Approximately 4.2 million over 50s are now living with HIV

September 30, 2014 - aidsmap.

by Michael Carter

Persuasive new data showing the ageing of the global HIV epidemic have been published in the online edition of AIDS. Using UNAIDS prevalence figures, investigators estimated that 4.2 million people aged 50 years or older were living with HIV in 2013. Prevalence among older people has more than doubled since 1995. Comparison with alternative data sources suggested that the UNAIDS figure was generally reliable.

"The number of people living with HIV aged 50 years and older is increasing," comment the authors. "This trend is evident in the most recent UNAIDS estimates and is confirmed in national household survey data."

There are number of possible explanations for the ageing of the HIV-positive population, especially the success of antiretroviral therapy and a high rate of new infections among older people.

An accurate understanding of the extent of the epidemic among the over 50s is needed so that appropriate medical services can be planned. This is especially important because living with HIV has been associated with an increased risk of diseases associated with old age. Continue reading...






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