KimberlyC's blog

Being a Black woman and wearing the badge of honor of being strong is exhausting to say the least.

Last year at USCHA I stood in a room and said We are not long-term survivors, but we are LIFETIME SURVIVORS.

It is always a weird feeling when presenting at a conference or workshop. On one hand, I'm excited because of the opportunity to be among people who are passionate like me; and on the other hand, I have that good ole self-doubt that's screaming out at me saying "Girl you do not belong." That was the case for the International Workshop on HIV & Women in Seattle last week. Being in a room full of doctors, social workers, researchers and advocates in this field had this Bougetta Brooklyn chick shook just for a little bit. The one thing that kept me grounded before taking my first steps in the...

I remember attending USCHA in 2016 and feeling out of place, unsure of my next moves, and feeling defeated in all aspects of my life. I remember being ready to give up and walk away from HIV work FOREVER (please insert Cardi B voice) because I just didn't think I had anything left to offer.

Last weekend I got the pleasure to present at the Let's Talk About Sex Conference out in Dallas, Texas with Olivia Ford.

HIV/AIDS activist, advocate, mother, and wife born with HIV, Kimberly grew up unaware that she was living with HIV until a week before her 10th birthday. Both of her parents passed from AIDS complications the same year Kim found out about her HIV diagnosis. Throughout her adolescence, Kimberly became a member of many HIV/AIDS awareness organizations. These organizations include Theo, Heat, UNICEF, YWCHAC, co-chair of YACAC, spokesmodel for New York State Department of Health campaign HIVSTOPSWITHME, and Love Heals. As an African American woman born and raised in Brooklyn, Kimberly faced having...