Godschild27's blog

Oh dear melanin melanated skin beautiful without and beautiful within they could never comprehend what it's like to be a man or wo/man hold on let me make this make sense they said we came from the man rib but isn't that close to the womb reproduction system or is we womb by system and they say it's a man's world but it will be nothing without a wo/man or a girl. Defined by the color or her skin destroyed by the injustice system. Not given equal rights to the wo/man they say we are strong but lies within a Wo/man trying not to take defeat a single mother trying not to be beat by the white man...

The pain in her eyes, the love in her smile. She makes a room move, her energy is just that smooth. She has gave till she can't give, she has loved till she wants to stop, but that is not optional.

Hello guys. I know it's been a while, but I been in complete meditation on blogging.

Just thinking about how my mom didn't get to accomplish things in life. Dying from AIDS and leaving me to survive with the virus.

One day I was sitting in my room, and I began to cry. Like why me why me. I’m the one that’s living with HIV. I have 5 other siblings, that don’t even have to deal with the hurt the pain not even the grief. From what I see they could never understand me. So I cry because of all the lies and the Deceit. I cry because all the false words the doctors told me: you are not going to live to see 3,5,8,10,16,21, so I cried because I’m about to turn 28 and forbidding all the lies and Asinine, nuanced words they say. I cry for every woman, boy, and girl that feels HIV cannot be beaten. I cry because it...

Growing up in the hood in South West Atlanta was one of the hard things for me, especially being HIV-positive.