Today marks 33 years since the discovery of the HIV virus... and this same virus has been reigning for decades. As we commemorate this day by remembering fallen heroes we ought to acknowledge the scientific measures in place that ensure we have long lives ahead of us. 2016 was a bit of a great year for me because I welcomed my first child whom is my ray of sunlight and my biggest achievement in this life and the jelly on top is that he tested HIV- whilst I enjoyed breastfeeding him for four months. This was made possible by the treatment scientists are continually working on of course. From a...
dasassidiva's blog

"I remember being young and so brave I knew what I needed I was spending all my nights and days laid back day dreaming Look at me—I'm a big girl now, said I'm gon' do something Told the world I would paint this town Now betcha I run news " This is one of my favourite songs of all times...simply because its lyrics resonate with so many events that occurred in my young life. Four years ago I came to Cape Town to pursue a dream and unknowingly I had a huge obstacle standing in my way – an HIV diagnosis. When I learned about my diagnosis, I really thought my life was over. I became depressed and...

Pssh! I haven't blogged in ages and truth be told when you have accepted your status, you get to realize that HIV only makes a small part of your life and you don't constantly think about it. What I'm trying to highlight here is that roughly two years back when I was doing my first year (in university), I was diagnosed with HIV and I can tell you now back then I thought my life was over... Boy was I wrong!!! I'm proud to announce that I completed my diploma and next April I'm graduating...on top of that, I'm pursuing my honors. I wouldn't have achieved all this had I victimized myself and...

The year is almost over and for me, this time of the year means I reflect on the year I had and a few highlights for me is, of course, attending the 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington D.C. It was the most exciting event to take place in my life. Another highlight is that next year I'll be a senior. I just got my results and I'm proud to say that I will be doing my 3rd year next year. I still think about my diagnosis...I was only on my 1st year with no prospects of continuing with my studies...that was the point in my life I dreaded everything, including my survival ironically. I...

I was diagnosed June 2011 and ever since my diagnosis, my CD4 has been deteriorating. I was sitting at 393 and my current count is 330. My doctor suggest I start considering taking ARVs. I'm just so confused at the moment and would like to hear from people who are on meds and when did they start taking treatment? I'm only 21 and for some reason, I'm reluctant to start. I just need a bit of insight of what lies ahead and will I not be in risk of organ failure later on in the future due to the toxicity of meds? Any advice is welcomed.

I'd like to believe that I am a strong young woman who's just simply trying to live her life the best way possible....yes, I encounter challenges on a daily basis but that does not keep me down. It's been merely two weeks since I came back to cape town and I have been away for 6 weeks due to june recess, leaving my poor boyfriend alone. Things are not looking good between us since I came back and I think it's safe to say we finally reached the dead end (nothing to do with HIV) thus we are breaking up. Last year when I was diagnosed, this man stuck by me even though he's negative. Luckily for...

The 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC kicked off on the 22nd of July 2012 and I was one of the lucky few bloggers who was lucky enough to attend this wonderful conference (where different issues are addressed from access to treatment to combatting stigma). I came to put faces behind names in the blog and it is wonderful getting to meet strong, powerful, resilient and brave women from across the globe. I remember the early days after my diagnosis after I stumbled to The Well Project for took me 10 months to finally blog, yet blogging has opened my eyes to a...

It's been 18 years since South Africa marched to would think we have progressed and are liberal, but it's the opposite. We have the highest HIV prevalence, more than 5.7 million are living with the virus but there is just little or no support for them...from judgmental health care workers to uninformed family members and friends. For most people an HIV diagnosis places them in vulnerable positions, which can lead to depression and other health problems. You would think another person who has been on the same shoes would likely help you out, but no! Not in this country. I know...

This month I'm celebrating a rather complex issue...round about this year I was diagnosed with HI Virus and little did I know that my life was about to change. I remember that day like it was yesterday, I remember throwing myself in bed and crying hysterical OH! God I had hoped that that day would be blocked from my memory for life, I remember my little brother asking me that day if I was okay and all I did was break down. I had called my then boyfriend and told him the dreadful news and he was all supportive and I was certain we would be in this together. The next day we went to test the both...

The Journey Well I don’t even know how to start. I have always thought I would be one of the last people who would contract the illness. I mean, I’m from the urban areas, went to multi-racial school and quite educated if I should say so myself, even though I’m not from a well-to-do family. My mother was able to provide for me and my two siblings. I waited till I was 19 before having sex, prior to being raped at 18. Even after that horrible experience, I picked myself up, learnt from it and grew stronger--even managed to get myself at university. I knew the consequences of having unprotected...