I have not known a life without HIV. In the era of U=U and PrEP, I feel myself navigating the stigma of HIV at an increased volume. The more people living with HIV attempt to escape the stigmas through messaging of scientific advances, the more we deal with a heightened level of stigma. Education is a tool used to curb ignorance, but it can be a driver of willful ignorance. Let's dissect "willful", the definition being, intentional, or deliberate. Ignorance, meaning the lack of knowledge or information. Willful ignorance is the intentional and deliberate act of disregarding, avoiding or...
IeshiaDKScott's blog

When I think of PWN, my first thought is SISTERHOOD. We are banded together, in a fight that makes us all equal. We love, and sometimes, fight, like sisters. The true act of sisterhood, is being able to come together, with the intention of love.

I named this blog "Back to Back" as a wordplay on Drake's "Back to Back," as I literally went to two conferences back to back.

Knowing when and how to answer questions regarding your status is hard, especially when they're coming from our children. Giving the correct information is key, while keeping it age appropriate will be the trick. Knowing the type of information your child can understand and what you want them to know at their specific age is best. With Imani, it was very spur of the moment but by being a public speaker, I was able to adjust and provide just the right amount of information without going above her maturity level. For the average mother, being put on the spot, you may need a little time to think...

Being an advocate, I'm subjected to some not so favorable experiences. Cure fanatics who believe me to be ignorant for not at least trying herbalist options. People who assume I, and every other HIV positive person, did something "wrong" to be HIV positive. People who ask me questions and then rebuttal every attempt to correctly and efficiently answer their questions. People who want to see you do good but not better than them. Being a social media advocate, I get to converse with individuals from all over the world. I get to do what I love, spreading awareness and being uncut and personal. I...

First, I'm going to start by telling you the story of a young woman who had no strength, no self-confidence and no dignity. The story of this young woman is my own and it's a story I've only ever shared with one person, oddly enough, someone I had sworn to always be an enemy of mine. I was only 16, a young woman, impressionable too. I was attending the all nighter at a skating rink, where I met my very first girlfriend. I had met people before and I would share with them my status and although they were not mean, they did not want to continue a relationship with me. She was different, much...

Hello, my name is... Ieshia Scott. There are several dots NOT because I didn't want to use my name but because I was hesitant due to the many people who are NOT prepared for this day. There are many people who know I've been advocating and doing my part but are not emotionally ready for my public disclosure. I had to do this for me and I've taken a back seat for so long to comfort others. Unfortunately, in this moment I can no longer protect them from my truth. It's mine and it's time to love me out loud. I am a 25-year old HIV positive and beautiful young woman. I live a healthy and happy...