Jewel Terrell's blog

Once again I have realized that I have not truly faced all of my fears from the past!! HIV WILL NO LONGER RENDER ME UNLOVEABLE, UNDESIRABLE, UNCLEAN OR UNTOUCHABLE!!! Today I vow and stand up to the fear of being left alone, walked out on and cheated on!! Because of these insecurities I am not at the full capacity of being able to love another unselfishly and without insecurities!! I give this to God and put it on all the altar today!! I declare that I will love and be loved again unconditionally and holistically!! I will not fear because this time when God sends me my Boaz he will truly be...

When a person gets an HIV diagnosis many people in society think that the positive person should either abstain from sexual activities or only date other positive individuals.

Yesterday I found out someone I knew who was HIV positive committed suicide.

I don't have a private life anymore!!! The day I got my HIV diagnosis, I knew the private life I was used to maintaining would be difficult and darn near impossible to maintain. I decided to tell my truth so that others would not have to know my pain.

Hi everyone! I have something to let you all know about being proactive in your HIV care.

If you are hurting let it be known. If you don't know, say it so that you can learn. If you need somebody tell them!! If you need to cry, do it. Confronting and admitting your pain is not a sign of weakness but in fact an exact showcase of divine strength!! Empower yourself and walk in your truth even when it is not the popular thing to do. Your growth is hindered through silence and denial!! There is strength in your weakness if you would only talk about it!!! I'm living an abundantly, holistically shameless life!! I will not be publicly silenced while living in a private hell!!!

Jewel A. Walker-Terrell is a 40 year old Jackson, MS native living with HIV. Jewel is a state retiree from the MS Department of Employment Security. A 1990 graduate of Provine High School, she attended Tougaloo College and MS University for Women, majoring in music and speech pathology. Diagnosed with HIV in the early winter of 2008, you would have thought this would have changed her life for the worse. Instead of her wallowing in self pity and allowing herself to succumb to this deadly virus, Jewel became proactive in her healthcare and vigilant in her fight to see the stigmas associated with...