HIV side effects, treatment


While many four letter words come to mind regarding yesterday's House vote to pass the American Health Care Act (labeled by some as an "act of monstrous cruelty"), the one we need to keep at the...

Submitted on May 5, 2017

Upon entering the police vehicle I asked the officer to please let me take my purse so I had my meds, they were very important. I told the officer I was HIV positive and my meds were in the purse. He...

Submitted on Apr 3, 2017

Quiero que todos vean la falta de educación que hay en todas partes! Por eso es importante mostrar nuestras caras y salir de la oscuridad! Esta es una condición humana que es 100% prevenible y como he...

Submitted on Mar 21, 2017

I want you all to see the lack of education that is out there! This is why it is important to show our faces and come out of the dark! This is a human condition that is 100% preventable and as I...

Submitted on Mar 21, 2017

This is a grim reality for Black Trans women; that we may not live to see the end of the day. We receive attention (good and bad), but when it is bad, it can be deadly.

Submitted on Mar 15, 2017

This year I was looking forward to changes with the new president. I realize it is a choice to get on an antiviral therapy and continue to strive to reach an undetectable viral load. Today I went to...

Submitted on Mar 14, 2017

The Office of Women's Health picked me for one of the ambassadors for National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. That is on March 10 every year so it's tomorrow. There are lots of ambassadors, a group of us.

Submitted on Mar 9, 2017

Women and girls who are living with HIV/AIDS wear many hats. We are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, wives, caretakers, friends–and the many hats can go on and on. National Women and Girls HIV...

Submitted on Mar 9, 2017

On 12/31/1993 I was called to draw blood from an IV drug user with AIDS. I did not pause for a second going in to draw her blood.

Submitted on Jan 27, 2017

I read several blogs this week reminding me: not everyone has to or can be at the front. Those of us who like to work behind the scenes are actually very productive in our communities given we love what we do.

Submitted on Jan 3, 2017


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