finding balance


Everyone asks me what’s my secret behind my proactivity in life. How do I manage to work 9 hours a day in office, yet find time for friends? How do I balance my official work to that of Activism? How...

Submitted on Nov 5, 2012

Remember that the beautiful butterfly was once a cocoon. There is hope as long as there is life

Submitted on Nov 2, 2012

FOR ANY TYPE OF HAIR! The best oils to make your hair grow long and strong are combinations of oils like Mustard oil, black castor oil, almond oil, pepermint oil, coconut oil , argan oil and many more...

Submitted on Oct 25, 2012

Let’s admit it…I have had my bad days MORE than my good days. Days when I feel down, I feel blue, I feel weepy and burst into tears. I love life so much and live each and every moment, every second of...

Submitted on Oct 15, 2012

Now on to the next hurdle I have had to face. This one hits my heart!!!! My 13 year old daughter has been riding the bus and staying the night often with her best friend who has severe OI (brittle...

Submitted on Oct 5, 2012

It's probably a good thing I did not go (to AIDS 2012), I am afraid my restraint is wearing thin. I have stepped up my nutritional intake, with Basil oil, and I plan to also get some Oil of Oregano...

Submitted on Sep 11, 2012

I read a statement earlier this week that has stuck with me ever since. It said "Perhaps we as humans are like plants, the moment we cease to grow is the moment we begin to die."

Submitted on Sep 7, 2012

My only requirement would be UNCONDITIONAL love, that is so hard to find nowadays. I see lot of marriage and relationship breaking due to the lack of such love. When one loves a person...

Submitted on Sep 7, 2012

My name is Connie L. Johnson. I am a daughter, a sister, a niece, and a friend who was diagnosed with AIDS in 2002.

Submitted on Sep 5, 2012

Here are the links to the vlogs in Spanish and English English one: Spanish one: View Maria's letter to HIV. love and light, Maria

Submitted on Jun 25, 2012


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