finding balance


On this Day of Winter Solstice, The date is forever emblazoned in my heart. I had been living in my car for about 3 weeks, until it died. Then I spent a week at Motel 6 thanks to my son... Then 1...

Submitted on Dec 21, 2014

My name is Robin Barkins. I was diagnosed with HIV at the age of 15. When I heard the devastating news, I thought my life was over. I refused all HIV treatment. I began to use drugs and I slept around...

Submitted on Dec 16, 2014

Recently I saw on the news a wonderful story of a family here in CO that had adopted several HIV+ children from Uganda and other countries. They had educated themselves about the illness and adopted...

Submitted on Dec 16, 2014

Waiting, waiting for the test results, what can I say? Will it be high, low? How low can I go? I went in so confidently, no fear, I actually look forward to it, the reaffirmation that I'm doing well...

Submitted on Dec 2, 2014

What does it mean to Love Yourself? I used to ask myself this question. I would look into the mirror and still could not figure out how to really love myself. When you're filled with so much anger and...

Submitted on Nov 25, 2014

There is a great emphasis to educate people living with HIV in India, in terms of not only knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS but also to understand their medicines, read laboratory results, how to better...

Submitted on Nov 20, 2014

"I remember being young and so brave I knew what I needed I was spending all my nights and days laid back day dreaming Look at me—I'm a big girl now, said I'm gon' do something Told the world I would...

Submitted on Nov 10, 2014

As the leaves started to change and my favorite season of the year began, I realized that it has been just a little over a year since I became executive director of The Well Project, which made me...

Submitted on Oct 29, 2014

Got results today, not for bloods but from my annual cervical smear; all good, as usual. I dutifully go every year to follow recommended procedure because of my status. Staring at the familiar flowers on the ceiling at my local GUM clinic I have a kind of epiphany, "HIV is for life, not just for clinic visits".

Submitted on Oct 25, 2014

So after coming home from the empowering PWN-USA and the Positive Living programs, I was feeling so empowered and then life happened. My son is 13 and has had behavioral problems since I adopted him...

Submitted on Oct 6, 2014


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