finding balance


My name is Angel, yes I have HIV, and this is my second time blogging on here. It’s been awhile…because I was going through something. My best thinking led me to believe that isolating from everyone...

Submitted on Jun 24, 2016

(Content warning: This blog contains description of sexual abuse.) This is something I thought I will never be able to talk about but since I became a blogger with The Well Project and a Global...

Submitted on Jun 15, 2016

Este año cuando participe en Creating Change Conference (Chicago, Illinois), la más grande LGBTQ (lésbica, gay, bisexual, Transgénero and Queer) de EEUU este año con más de 5,000 activistas de todo Estados Unidos

Submitted on Jun 6, 2016

I know I will never forget what it felt like to hear over the phone that my HIV test came back with a positive result. Damn!! Life as I had hoped it would turn out was over. I couldn't see past the...

Submitted on May 28, 2016

Me llamo Anna Gonzalez Francis. Tengo 40 años y nací y vivo en Barcelona (España). Es difícil resumir tantísimas cosas en simplemente cuatro lineas, que a veces, pocas o muchas veces, se las lleva el viento.

Submitted on May 11, 2016

During the months between March to May, prom in many states is happening!! The young girls are all excited! Shopping around for their gown, deciding what hair style they want, nails, shoes, etc. It’s...

Submitted on May 3, 2016

Knowing when and how to answer questions regarding your status is hard, especially when they're coming from our children. Giving the correct information is key, while keeping it age appropriate will...

Submitted on Apr 12, 2016

Knowing yourself and Loving yourself. This is for anyone but kind of more for us ladies cause I am speaking for myself. When I/you notice yourself needing something, whether it is intimacy, affection...

Submitted on Mar 22, 2016

Definitely the time in which diagnosis is confirmed is the most difficult. The world collapses, the strength you thought you had suddenly runs out, everything becomes dark even on a day of glorious...

Submitted on Mar 22, 2016

Many transgender people come to the US to escape violence or persecution in the country where they were born only to have similar problems in the United States. It is hard at times for trans...

Submitted on Mar 16, 2016


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