finding balance


I'm a 17 year advocate. I'm a 47 year old separated mother of 3. I contracted HIV from an ex-boyfriend who was separated from his baby mother; they both were positive and I didn't know about his status.

Submitted on Oct 18, 2017

It was not until the ADAP conference that I realized how important support is when getting adjusted to living with HIV. When I was newly diagnosed with HIV, having support played a huge role in my...

Submitted on Oct 12, 2017

Hopelessness is my beginning, I hope to succeed, I hope to... Daily we experience death on so many levels. Death of a loved one is probably first on your mind. How about death of a career, TV series...

Submitted on Oct 3, 2017

Over 150 years after its publication, multitudes of us face the same public stigma and degradation due to the diagnosis of HIV.

Submitted on Oct 2, 2017

Life for me and how I saw the world changed three years ago in April 2015. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just put my pre-k students on the bus to go home, when I came back to my classroom...

Submitted on Sep 21, 2017

My name is Lilian from Kenya. I am 37 years old. As a young lady I always had the dream in life just like any other person to have a good education and start my family.

Submitted on Sep 8, 2017

The aftermath and education... I made it through. I am Clean! Off these drugs taking my serenity from me. I notice as days turn to weeks just what my part in stigma is. I am disappointed I have...

Submitted on Aug 11, 2017

Muchos que me conocen a través de las redes sociales saben que guío y trato de responder a todas las preguntas que me llegan...

Submitted on Aug 8, 2017

When things don't go well, don't make it worse. It's better to go with the flow rather than to swim against the tide. Things don't last forever, it is bound to change at a given point of time. But why...

Submitted on Jul 18, 2017

So I have been struggling between addiction, sexual, mental and physical abuse. Yet when asked, "Why do you accept the time you have with these individuals?" I can only respond with love. I ask myself...

Submitted on Jul 18, 2017


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