finding balance


I'm constantly educating people. People that should know, don't. They grew up when the HIV epidemic started. So, I share my story because I want to help people. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT HIV.

Submitted on Jul 1, 2024

During the last two and a half years I have been silent, my voice quiet and non existent.... Today I adjust my sail and scream so I can clear my throat and begin to unload all the turbulence I have been navigating alone.

Submitted on Jun 28, 2024

If you struggle with addiction, depression or mental health, please know how important you are and reach out. I shut down, now I need to relearn self love and self esteem.

Submitted on Jun 20, 2024

If we don't speak up about what we are dealing with regarding treatment side effects (or whatever it is), who will know? Who will listen? Who will care? And how will things ever improve for those who come after us?

Submitted on Jun 13, 2024

Si no hablamos de lo que estamos enfrentando en cuanto a los efectos secundarios del tratamiento (o lo que sea), ¿quién lo sabrá? ¿Quién escuchará? ¿A quién le importará? Y ¿cómo van a mejorar las cosas para las personas que vendrán después de nosotras?

Submitted on Jun 13, 2024

Que consumo en ayunas con mis 51 años y como sobreviviente del #vih de 36 años

Submitted on Jun 12, 2024

What do I consume in the a.m. as a 51 year old and a long term survivor of #hiv for 36 years and undetectable

Submitted on Jun 12, 2024

Sweet hints of hazelnut to remember The last time I broke it open 3.... 2... 1

Submitted on May 30, 2024

I understand mental health is a big issue in today's society, but what happens when the mental health of the provider is at stake here. What should we do?

Submitted on May 29, 2024

I know I'm not that old; I'm only 51. I'll be 52 in July, but still I can't help but start thinking about what my legacy will be. How will I be remembered when I'm gone?

Submitted on May 28, 2024


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