

Hi ladies, it's been a long while since I've checked in or written on my blog. Life's been busy, a lot of things have changed for me. Things I thought I would never see. I was 18 when I was diagnosed...

Submitted on May 4, 2021

I've spoken briefly about finding out I was living with HIV when I got pregnant with my daughter, but I haven't really spoken on the entire experience. Although I have come to terms with my status and...

Submitted on Apr 16, 2021

As a woman of transgender experience, I remember a time in my life when hiding was a detrimental part of my entire existence, or as I thought at the time. I thought my world would fall apart if anyone...

Submitted on Apr 16, 2021

Con respecto a compartir nuestros diagnóstico con otras personas, creo que no hay una "fórmula mágica" que le funcione a todas las personas de la misma manera

Submitted on Mar 26, 2021

I love being a woman! At this age and with all I've lived and learned, I love being a woman more and more!

Submitted on Mar 18, 2021

Amo ser mujer! A esta edad y con todo lo vivido y aprendido amo cada vez más, ser mujer!

Submitted on Mar 18, 2021

Given that we are in February, which is not only Black History month but also the month of LOVE, I felt compelled to share this message with y'all.

Submitted on Feb 23, 2021

My dear lovely people living with HIV, I am not sure if we all know what U=U means. If not, I am always glad to explain it once again as it is really important to know U=U and how it can help to break...

Submitted on Jan 19, 2021

2020 has been a year for us all. I know mine has been met with heartache, joy and so many things in between. But since being diagnosed in 2016, I finally decided 2020 was the year I would date and be unapologetically HIV+.

Submitted on Dec 22, 2020

As everyone who already follows me knows, my perspective on contracting the virus is really different from someone who may not have been living with it for their entire lives. Being that I don't know a life without HIV, my perspective may be a bit unorthodox.

Submitted on Dec 21, 2020


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