battling stigma


Lynette was in a Harlem hospital on the 3rd floor in a room alone, and refused to give her life to Christ as I stood there begging! Quarantined due to the opportunistic infection, her body was plagued...

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I am in the process of changing HIV doctors. I am going back to the MD that I initially saw when I moved back to Missouri but at that time I was abusing prescription drugs and he saw right through me...

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Sonya posted a new blog, Hiding Behind the "Good Book"..., on A Girl Like Me's Voices from our Allies: Why is it so hard to understand that getting infected with HIV/AIDS is possible and can happen to...

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Why is it so hard to understand that getting infected with HIV/AIDS is possible and can happen to you? Just because you saved and sanctified and running for your God doesn't exclude you….yes, you! You...

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You can call me Dee. I am 50 years old an have a 13 year old adopted son. I was diagnosed in Atlanta on November 1, 1996. I was having severe fatigue and just knew I needed to be tested for HIV. I...

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If you are in the Raleigh-Durham area or have access to a computer between 5 pm - 8 pm EST, please plan to visit the MFA|EDA thesis exhibition/photography exhibit, Please Call Me By My True Names by...

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Wow that time again? Another blog and I am enjoying the chance to reflect and share. Thank you AGLM. I felt fabulous when I received feedback and comments when my blog reached publication. Such a...

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"I've learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave person is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."- Madiba When I moved to Chicago a...

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As I sat with my wife, Lisa, and watched Dallas Buyers Club, I was like 'wow! what wonderful actors!' They really did a good job! And it was part of history. I lived through most of that in those...

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New year, and already I’m a month behind! Haven’t been to choir practice, didn't make any resolutions and now, January, my daughter's 16 th and my birthday have passed, and I’m 47 yet still trying to...

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