battling stigma


Soy María Mejía. Estoy aquí como un ejemplo vivo de que el VIH / SIDA no es el fin!

Submitted on Mar 24, 2016

I am Maria Hiv Mejia-Laing. I am here as a living example that HIV/AIDS is not the end!

Submitted on Mar 24, 2016

My heart is so full right now. Can I just say that and get it out of the way? One special, loving, kind and devoted advocate just gave me the spiritual sustenance to fight another day.

Submitted on Mar 23, 2016

Definitely the time in which diagnosis is confirmed is the most difficult. The world collapses, the strength you thought you had suddenly runs out, everything becomes dark even on a day of glorious...

Submitted on Mar 22, 2016

Definitivamente el momento en el cual nos confirman el diagnóstico es el más difícil. El mundo se derrumba, las fuerzas que creías tener se te acaban de repente, todo se vuelve oscuro aun siendo un...

Submitted on Mar 15, 2016

The Press, supress, our stories of happiness. They try to define us, as "Suffering Headliners". No one writes when the virus has refined us, Given us gratitude, a loving attitude. The media just want...

Submitted on Mar 8, 2016

¿Dónde empiezo? Es con mucho dolor que estoy escribiendo este blog...los recuerdos de mis amigos que murieron por complicaciones del SIDA me persiguen todo el tiempo.

Submitted on Mar 8, 2016

To live with HIV is to live with advice on curing it. I remember the first time this happened to me in October of 2001 when I was just released from a hospital in southern Indiana, newly diagnosed with HIV and AIDS.

Submitted on Mar 7, 2016

Where do I start? It is with much sorrow that I am writing this blog...the memories of my friends that passed from AIDS complications haunt me all the time. It is very hard to express how I feel … so...

Submitted on Feb 26, 2016

Have you ever experienced something that left you feeling and questioning, "Did that really just happen?"

Submitted on Feb 15, 2016


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