battling stigma


As an African woman, having a white Dutch husband and mixed kids, I want to share my experience towards Black Lives Matter. In 13 years in the Netherlands, I have come across many facets of...

Submitted on Jun 8, 2020

Before we even heard of COVID-19, people living with HIV or AIDS were already facing stigma and discrimination as I experienced and shared with you regularly with healthcare providers throughout the...

Submitted on May 8, 2020

I forget to cry sometimes. I forget how. Is it really forgetting if I shove it from my mind?

Submitted on May 4, 2020

During this current public health crisis, I find myself annoyed at how much I'm hearing people speak about the stigma that is being placed on those who may test positive for COVID19. I feel like...

Submitted on Mar 30, 2020

We will get through this trying time together. It is important to remember that we are stronger as a community than alone.

Submitted on Mar 13, 2020

Lucky for me, I have been fortunate enough to find people who still want to date me after I disclose that I am HIV positive...

Submitted on Mar 12, 2020

Today I was invited to celebrate International Women's Day in Culemborg. Foundation Intercultureel Vrouwen Culemborg (DIVC) organized a party with the theme "Freedom". The event started at 13h with a...

Submitted on Mar 11, 2020

It's been a long time since I've felt down on myself about my status. It took me almost two years to finally tell someone and when I did, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off me. I've used my...

Submitted on Mar 10, 2020

Today I am just going to write all that comes into my mind because I think I am going into depression, that is if I am not already.

Submitted on Feb 26, 2020

Never be ashamed because you are #HIVpositive. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

Submitted on Feb 19, 2020


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