activism, advocacy


Someone asked in a Facebook group I am in, "Is this really a day to celebrate?"

Submitted on Dec 1, 2016

Being stressed over your finances is not healthy for us and I wished I'd had people around to give me this advice...

Submitted on Nov 22, 2016

I don't have a private life anymore!!! The day I got my HIV diagnosis, I knew the private life I was used to maintaining would be difficult and darn near impossible to maintain. I decided to tell my truth so that others would not have to know my pain.

Submitted on Nov 16, 2016

Sisterhood is a sacred experience I hold close to my heart, where we as women can lift not only ourselves but each other. Women are the heart of a family, sisters, mothers, aunts who dish out...

Submitted on Nov 4, 2016

What a whirlwind these past months have been!! I want to start by thanking The Well Project for helping me attend so many of these very important events, conferences and summits!

Submitted on Nov 3, 2016

In response to Walking the Thin Black Line of Violence in the Lives of HIV+ Women by Loren Jones, Board Member, Positive Women’s Network-USA I was thinking the same thing when I read about a Day of...

Submitted on Oct 26, 2016

Vivir con VIH es vivir diferente. Aunque muchos crean que uno puede llevar una vida "normal" estando en tratamiento.

Submitted on Oct 26, 2016

I attended the PWN 2016 Summit in Fort Walton Beach FL; there I was able to let the demons fade away with the love and solidarity I felt by meeting such powerful and encouraging woman.

Submitted on Oct 13, 2016

Twenty years ago Mom was preparing to get me into hospice care cause we all thought I was going to die from AIDS complications. Well I pulled through and now feeling good and doing so much better...

Submitted on Oct 12, 2016

God has always been my caretaker. And my faith has never been challenged.

Submitted on Sep 30, 2016


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