activism, advocacy


Every year, World AIDS Day provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the incredible advances that we have made as a community over the last three decades and to honor the advocates and activists who have changed the course of this epidemic, including those we have lost and those who continue to tirelessly move us forward.

Submitted on Nov 30, 2018

I write a lot about mental health because my mental illness has shaped my life into what it is today. I hear people say all the time that they wouldn’t change a thing in their past. I can say without skipping a beat, there are things that I would change.

Submitted on Nov 21, 2018

I realized as I saw my computer screen with my grandkids, I never saw any kid grow up. Not my child, not my family’s children. I guess having the experience of being a mom I felt as if I should have had the courage to nurture, to raise a child. I put too much on my own shoulders so I can never be satisfied with the outcome. I am more of a perfectionist than I knew.

Submitted on Nov 16, 2018

How many RedBox movies do you own? I'm a proud owner of about 6. I blame it on my ADHD. I pick up a movie, watch it and then forget. I now forbid RedBox in my house. I used to forget where I put my...

Submitted on Nov 14, 2018

It was a normal quiet Monday night when I got the first email. It was after eleven o’clock and I was winding down for the night while watching tv, who could be emailing me I wondered, pinkfoxxphoenix?? Who the hell is this?

Submitted on Nov 13, 2018

When I finally understood that HIV is not an infectious contagious disease, I understood that I don't have to self-discriminate, I stopped seeing myself as a ticking timebomb, and began to befriend a...

Submitted on Nov 3, 2018

If there is anything the past several weeks have reminded us, it is that we live in times of infuriating denial and powerful, wide-ranging truth-telling. From climate breakdown, to an abusive and divisive new Supreme Court justice, to the attempted erasure of our sisters and brothers of transgender experience, to numerous heinous hate crimes, there seems to be no end to the ways our communities bear the violence of disregard by those in power.

Submitted on Oct 31, 2018

I may never forget the night I got the email from Bruce Richman (founder and Executive Director of the Prevention Access Campaign U=U) asking if I would be interested in joining a campaign.

Submitted on Oct 30, 2018

Cuando por fin entendí que el VIH no es una enfermedad infecto contagiosa entendí que no tengo porque auto-discriminarme, dejé de verme como una bomba de tiempo y empecé a amigarme con un virus que...

Submitted on Oct 30, 2018

Getting tested. "So freeing."

Submitted on Oct 23, 2018


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