activism, advocacy


Our journey to treatment adherence is just that; a journey. Everyone's journey does not look the same and that's ok.

Submitted on Dec 2, 2019

Since being diagnosed in 2016, regardless of living in silence or loud and proud, I've tried attending anything related to HIV here in Fort Myers

Submitted on Nov 26, 2019

The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) is a nursing organization that formed in 1987 to focus on educating and supporting nurses who work in HIV care, research, prevention, and policy. ANAC is...

Submitted on Nov 24, 2019

See, a girl like me, living in a cruel cold world…with little to no backbone support.

Submitted on Nov 24, 2019

I remember a very persuasive man telling America, "Yes We Can." Up to that point I had lived in a completely different world, still deep in the closet, fearful that the world was not ready for my...

Submitted on Nov 24, 2019

My name is Marissa Gonzalez, originally from New Jersey, now living in sunny Southwest Florida.

Submitted on Nov 18, 2019

The pursuit of normal is such an abnormal thing. This idea popped in my head in response to something; now I can't get it out.

Submitted on Nov 15, 2019

When I found out I was HIV positive, I didn’t know much about the virus except for what I remember learning in my high school health class. I thought I was going to die young. I thought I would look...

Submitted on Nov 5, 2019

What is it going to take for you to get angry enough to move to action? Reproductive oppression must end! And it's going to take all of us to make it happen! What's the first thing you can do? VOTE!!!

Submitted on Nov 4, 2019

Recently one of my blogs was shared on Facebook about me going back to online dating after finding out my positive status.

Submitted on Nov 1, 2019


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