A Girl Like Me (AGLM), a program of The Well Project, is a blog where women across the gender spectrum can share their experiences and promote understanding of HIV. Millions of women around the globe are living with HIV, yet many feel they are alone in their disease and isolated in their day-to-day experiences. The goals of AGLM are to help normalize HIV; and to create a safe space for women living with HIV from around the world to speak out and share their experiences – with each other, and with those seeking a support community.

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Recent Blog Posts

Jul 27, 2016

Life is a home work and I have a diary to prove it. Welcome to the Age of Diaries. The biggest talk at the AIDS Conference 2016 is working towards building young leaders. Building young leaders could...

Jul 20, 2016
 - katie06

I began serving on my local Community Advisory Board for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) site at The Ohio State University a couple of years ago. This gave me a greater understanding of the HIV...

Jul 19, 2016
 - katie06

The International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) has officially begun in Durban, South Africa.

Jul 15, 2016

My name is Sophie Mubvumbi Jayawardene. Many People call me Stigma Warrior Princess. Please feel free to call me this or Sophie Jayawardene. I was diagnosed in 1989. At the time I was happily married...

Jul 14, 2016
 - boseolotu

It was a great privilege given to me by The Well Project (TWP) and the International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) who gave me a partial scholarship to attend the upcoming IAC in Durban, South Africa. I never could have been able to attend if not for The Well Project and its team of great people who encouraged me to apply for the scholarship.

Jul 12, 2016
 - Angel S.

I am so excited to introduce myself to the community of A Girl Like Me. My name is Angel Stetson. I am 45 years old.

Jul 5, 2016

Mother, O Mother Where is the nurture of the lioness? The protection like the mother bear? Where is the light in the darkness? The shade of the ancient tree? Mother, O Mother I am haunted by their...

Jun 28, 2016

It has been ten months since I have been diagnosed HIV Positive. It has been a tough road and journey these ten months. Some of the struggles that I have faced so far are: telling family members and...

Jun 28, 2016

Hey there folks, My name is Connie Rose and I was living in Indiana during the time I found out I was positive - in a small farming community snug in the hip of the bible belt. I was only 21 years old...

Jun 24, 2016

My name is Angel, yes I have HIV, and this is my second time blogging on here. It’s been awhile…because I was going through something. My best thinking led me to believe that isolating from everyone...


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