A Girl Like Me (AGLM), a program of The Well Project, is a blog where women across the gender spectrum can share their experiences and promote understanding of HIV. Millions of women around the globe are living with HIV, yet many feel they are alone in their disease and isolated in their day-to-day experiences. The goals of AGLM are to help normalize HIV; and to create a safe space for women living with HIV from around the world to speak out and share their experiences – with each other, and with those seeking a support community.

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Recent Blog Posts

Dec 4, 2012

I am a Latina, HIV positive, a lesbian and a woman! 4 strikes against me ..but I am not out! Many know the struggles that we go through if we have any of these categories with stigma and...

Nov 29, 2012

In observance of World AIDS Day 2012, we asked A Girl Like Me bloggers, "What is the one thing about HIV that you’ve learned or experienced this year that has made a difference in your life and would...

Nov 29, 2012

This is my message to the whole world and what world AIDS day means to me. I also talk about some of the highlights and accomplishments of this year in regards to HIV/AIDS. Mi mensaje para el mundo...

Nov 26, 2012

This month of November and this Year of 2012 is my 10 th Anniversary of being diagnosed HIV Positive. Back in 2002 when I was finally diagnosed, I never thought I would be living 10 years on? Just...

Nov 15, 2012

When I began speaking publicly about HIV/AIDS eight years ago, I thought that I was simply doing my part to educate and create awareness about a disease that had changed my life forever. I spoke at...

Nov 8, 2012

As many of you know, when the The Well Project was founded in 2002, it was primarily a U.S.-focused resource. As time went by, however, it became clear that the need for accurate, reliable information...

Nov 5, 2012
 - JoDha

Everyone asks me what’s my secret behind my proactivity in life. How do I manage to work 9 hours a day in office, yet find time for friends? How do I balance my official work to that of Activism? How...

Nov 2, 2012

Remember that the beautiful butterfly was once a cocoon. There is hope as long as there is life

Oct 25, 2012

FOR ANY TYPE OF HAIR! The best oils to make your hair grow long and strong are combinations of oils like Mustard oil, black castor oil, almond oil, pepermint oil, coconut oil , argan oil and many more...

Oct 25, 2012

Life has been such a paradox. A few years ago I woke up to a nightmare when I found out I was positive. However this nightmare made me more determined than ever to make my dream come true. My dream...


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