pregnancy, HIV+ mothers, family


Me llamo Anna Gonzalez Francis. Tengo 40 años y nací y vivo en Barcelona (España). Es difícil resumir tantísimas cosas en simplemente cuatro lineas, que a veces, pocas o muchas veces, se las lleva el viento.

Submitted on May 11, 2016

I had a patient the other day that came in who has a history of seizures. Her daughter for whatever reason took her medication that can help prevent seizures from her. It also happens to be an anti...

Submitted on Apr 29, 2016

Knowing when and how to answer questions regarding your status is hard, especially when they're coming from our children. Giving the correct information is key, while keeping it age appropriate will...

Submitted on Apr 12, 2016

My name is Christina and I am 39 years old. I am from a small town in South Central Kentucky. Born and raised in this area and being different affected my life at and early age.

Submitted on Mar 15, 2016

#Blacklivesmatter What does this mean to me? I am a white woman, I have privilege. I recognise that we don't have to have a hashtag for white lives.

Submitted on Feb 25, 2016

So #Love Positive Women is over and I wanted to share the love and write here because my 'romance' with myself began not 'at home', but with The Well Project. I want to share how far I have come and express my gratitude.

Submitted on Feb 16, 2016

HIV and Me… All in the name of finding a cure what I did. I diagnosed myself in 2000, but at that time there was no public information about the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). My whole world...

Submitted on Jan 27, 2016

I am Sandra, 61.5 years old, HIV Elite Controller, diagnosed December 1989. Widow, Mother and Grandmother. Active Extended visitor, participating in Clinical Research trials at the National Institute...

Submitted on Jan 5, 2016

La visita del Papa a EE UU trajo gran acogida y atención mundial, sin embargo en que y como podemos asociar esta visita con las temáticas del VIH.

Submitted on Oct 1, 2015

India is very conservative and orthodox when it comes to HIV. In most areas (except in Mumbai) it is considered as a "taboo" topic, especially in rural areas.

Submitted on Sep 9, 2015


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