HIV blog


I don’t know how other girls like me react to stigma and injustices we suffer because of our statuses. I usually beat myself up. Sometimes, depending on the source of the stigma, I’d loathe myself. But a recent incident opened my eyes to a whole new dimension of reaction. If I am responsible and suffer the consequences of my own actions, why then don’t I let other people do the same? The stigma might be directed to me, buts it’s not about me. It’s about the other person’s ignorance and misinformation, so then why must I punish myself because they are ignorant? It does not make sense at all.

Submitted on: Jan 14, 2010

Who am I? My family know me as the Diva, the strongest HIV+ woman they've ever seen. What they don't know is what happens when I switch off the lights and close the door, I suddenly am not so strong...

Submitted on: Jan 8, 2010

You know, I love the holidays, I really do. But a part of me dreads them as well. I love spending time with my family, both immediate and extended. But a part of me can’t help but feel so alone when I...

Submitted on: Dec 16, 2009

Tonight at the grocery store my 7-year old stated definitively that this was the last day of November as she stared at the billboard size calendar in our local Whole Foods. I jumped on this open door...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2009

So this is my first blog…ever. I’ve been HIV+ for more than 21 years now and an advocate for women with HIV for 16…but I’ve never been a blogger. Actually, I’m a mom, a wife, a daughter and a sister...

Submitted on: Oct 6, 2009

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