Tiffany's blog

It was the reflection that first caught my eye. I was riding on the train to work and saw the image, familiar, comforting. But seeing the reflection alone would not do I had to see the real thing. My compulsions led me to move closer, see, smell, and even touch. Possibly earn the title of stalker. But in all of these actions is when I saw the mystic. Not the ghost from my past haunting me trying to tempt the what ifs in life. But the glimmer of a former me: young, full of life and hopefulness. The ghost of Christmas past surely freaked me out for a second, but, I am glad for the visitation...

I knew I wanted to write something for World AIDS Day but I was actually stuck about what to write. Every year my job hosts an awards ceremony honoring people who have made strides locally to impact HIV/AIDS research, community development, and policy. This year was no different. Part of my role in this event involves assisting with the logistics of it all and rarely do I get a chance to fully engage in the ceremony. But this year I was especially excited about the event considering the tremendous strides in research that have occurred in 2011 and some of the still challenging issues that...

Ok, so I stole the title kinda sorta from a book coming out about China. And I'm not really convinced that these are the ten words but here goes.... Here NOW; explicitly storied, stigmatizing, exceptional, empowering, transitioning; GONE tomorrow

It was a brisk sunny Sunday morning in October as throngs begin to gather at the base of the famed Art Museum steps. Freedom songs kept them energized as they walked hand in hand, arms interlocked as the notable vanguards lead the way. The names are called of the loved, the missed, the remembered meant to remind those of us gathered of our purpose. Their names come out as our melodic freedom song. Martin, Fred, Jessie, Andrew, and John were in front but other leaders whose names I do not know emerged as the walk forged an experience none would forget one Sunday morning in March on a bridge...

A few weeks ago while I was trying to decide whether or not to take on some new challenges in life, a White male colleague upon meeting me said, "I didn't know this, but you're the right color." Those of you who know my lineage know that Ms. Joe was speaking to me at that moment and so was her daddy, Johnny. I amazingly enough refrained from my David Letterman top ten responses: 10) I know right! 9) But you're not and I'll try not to hold it against you, 8) Until you said that I wasn't sure, 7) Oh this I've had this awhile, 6) MJ's doc wasn't available for me to do something different, 5) It...

There have been many waiting for this day a long time; an end to the requirement of written informed consent for HIV testing in Pennyslvania. As the day finally arrives (kinda/sorta) I was expecting to feel different. I say kinda/sorta because although the PA law has stated an end to these requirements I suspect there are many organizations that have contractual requirements with entities that may still require written informed consent. The goal of lifting the written informed consent is to foster increased HIV testing without stigma. To essentially make it opt out and normalize the experience...

"Why do I have to convince them (researchers) to come to the community and share what they learned?" That is the question one of my friends, colleague, and community members asked me earlier this week. It wasn't really directed at me but at the situation where researchers come into a community and ask its members to take part in their study but in the opinion of many of my friends never come back and let that same community know the results of what they learned. My response is that not all researchers are like that, some do actually talk about what they learned from the study they were...

I found myself working in the field yesterday offering HIV and STI screening in my local community. These outreach initiatives often provide reminders of why I do this work, because I run into people who are glad to see people like me offering services in the neighborhood or have questions that I try my best to answer or give resources as to where the answers can be found. Yesterday was no different. Those days I work in the field I also come across one or two people who challenge my thinking and training. Again, yesterday was no different. He said it's not his concern. It doesn't matter, that...

I represent me. This, by all accounts, is a revolutionary statement. If it is at all unclear I will make it plain. I am defining who I am and who I wish to become. Other than the divine being, no one else can make that claim for me. I was in the midst of a conversation with colleagues the other day and was told by them who they felt I represented. It was a crazy moment indeed. Because I knew their intention was not malicious and truly meant to help me, nor was it the first time such words were spoken to me by them or others, but it also spoke to a larger idea for me. Often people--some who...

It seems I need to write something today that really captured how I am feeling. I am not feeling HIV today! It is funny how I came to this point since this morning I woke up wanting to shoot a film about 30 years in. And as if on cue G-d, the Creator of heaven and earth was speaking to me through others by having a friend contact me saying that a filmmaker wanted to do a documentary about HIV. Surely this was the signs that all my superstitious friends look for, when trying to decide what to do next. Yet right now in this moment, … I'm not feeling HIV today! I know there are some who gotta...