women HIV


Who told God I was that tough? I'm really not though. I've been through a lot of stuff in my life. A lot I have yet to share. Right now I'm going through one of the toughest battles I've endured.

Submitted on: Oct 11, 2022

Hello! I'm Kenya. I'm 28 years old, married, I have three daughters, and yes, I am HIV positive. I was diagnosed four years ago, and I'm still standing, fighting, moving forward, and even with all the stones along my upward path, my tireless feet continue to climb! But it wasn't always like this...

Submitted on: Oct 4, 2022

After three long years of fearing to gather together, grinding all conferences and in-person events to a halt, condemning us all to a life of isolation and social distancing, at long last life has...

Submitted on: Oct 3, 2022

It was 1985, I was 21 years old and President Ronald Reagan announced to the world the genesis of a new disease; G.R.I.D. or the Gay Related Immune Disorder, later known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. I specifically recall hearing the words 'gay-related' so of course I thought I had nothing to worry about.

Submitted on: Sep 30, 2022

Last weekend I got the pleasure to present at the Let's Talk About Sex Conference out in Dallas, Texas with Olivia Ford.

Submitted on: Sep 20, 2022

Dear young person who has gone public... Take it easy on yourself. Don't be hard on yourself. Do practice self-love. When I went public with my status, I received overwhelming response from young...

Submitted on: Sep 19, 2022

HIV/AIDS activist, advocate, mother, and wife born with HIV, Kimberly grew up unaware that she was living with HIV until a week before her 10th birthday. Both of her parents passed from AIDS...

Submitted on: Sep 17, 2022

As part of a collaboration with our longtime partner organization Christie's Place, The Well Project shares stories in English and Spanish from the book Healing Hope: A woven tapestry of strength and solace as blog entries on our A Girl Like Me platform under the blog name "Healing Hope."

Submitted on: Sep 16, 2022

This blog was not easy to write… Yes, HIV took my motherhood… Back in those times when I was diagnosed, we had no medicine. At least, I didn't have any access to treatment in Colombia, my country...

Submitted on: Aug 31, 2022

I am understanding the trauma I have experienced and how it has affected me. I have done nothing wrong, there is no one to blame. Life circumstances create opportunities for personal growth.

Submitted on: Aug 31, 2022

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