HIV blog


My name is Mandy Webb and I was diagnosed HIV positive back in 2002 after a long, long time of illness and looking back…wondering why the hell I wasn’t tested earlier??? I ended up being admitted to...

Submitted on: Apr 6, 2011

Once again my blog will be about something that happened in my Facebook. I have the name there 'MariaHIV'. I created that name not because I am HIV, but because I wanted to attract people to by...

Submitted on: Apr 6, 2011

Hello Everyone, Another Birthday is here again. Some women don't like getting older. I embrace every wonderful year! I am 41 years old today. What a life I have lead. I can actually say it has been a...

Submitted on: Mar 24, 2011

Lately I've not been blogging simply because I've been sick. For the first time since my diagnosis 4 years ago, I'm actually experiencing signs and symptoms of HIV. This has been very difficult for me...

Submitted on: Mar 24, 2011

Love, how beautiful it is! This is so important for people living with HIV/ have someone who loves you for you and can see past the illness, that is if they are negative..I am very blessed...

Submitted on: Mar 18, 2011

It's my birthday today. I'm turning 31 and you, Mr. virus, its your 7th year celebration living in my body, I suppose. I realized today that i need for me and you to be civil to each other. You see...

Submitted on: Mar 18, 2011

Dear A Girl Like Me readers, We are very pleased to share the exciting news below with all of you, today, on National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Also in honor of this day, we would like...

Submitted on: Mar 10, 2011

Well, well, well. Where the hell do I start??? I am going to try to be as nice and sweet as possible! I had to give myself a day to write this. It started as another thing I posted on my facebook HIV...

Submitted on: Mar 9, 2011

Again, it has been a long time since I have written. I returned to work, I absolutely love my job, and I do not want to give it up. Unfortunately our, so-called, system of health care, is so complex I...

Submitted on: Mar 1, 2011

I am trying something new. I am taking time for me. I have a family that needs me and a job that is very demanding. I am finding myself resenting all of them. I love my family, but I really needed a...

Submitted on: Feb 25, 2011

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