Recent Articles

No one should be punished for having a health condition. Learn more about laws that treat HIV as a crime, and what they mean for women.

The Well Project believes that knowledge is power. We are dedicated to providing tools to our members to use to further their knowledge, as well as to educate and empower others in their community.

Deciding how to feed your infant can be confusing for parents living with HIV. Read more about benefits and challenges of breast/chestfeeding.

Learn why clinical trials are done, what types there are, how to decide whether to participate, and why it's important for women to be involved.

Learn about reasonable accommodation in the workplace, your rights by law as a person living with HIV, and how to take care of yourself at work.

Trans women as a group carry a high burden of HIV. Learn about specific vulnerabilities and prevention steps trans women can prioritize to stay HIV free.

Get basic information about a variety of approaches to treating the metabolic changes that may result from living with HIV or taking HIV drugs.

Browse a collection of materials and video discussions, curated for healthcare professionals, from our comprehensive, multi-tiered effort to increase knowledge around breast/chestfeeding and HIV.

Human sexuality is complex and exciting. Learn more about how people define, describe, and build community around sexuality and gender identity.

Get basic information on what safer sex is and is not, how to practice different forms of safer sex, and tips on thinking things through ahead of time.