HIV: The Basics

Woman of trans experience using smartphone in beauty salon.

Look here to find information and support for community building, health issues, violence, discrimination, legal barriers, transgender youth, and more.

Submitted on Feb 6, 2024
Varios condones de colores visibles a través de envases transparentes.

Get basic information on what safer sex is and is not, how to practice different forms of safer sex, and tips on thinking things through ahead of time.

Submitted on Mar 21, 2024

The Well Project believes that knowledge is power. We are dedicated to providing tools to our members to use to further their knowledge, as well as to educate and empower others in their community.

Submitted on Sep 9, 2024
Close up of hands creating shape of heart with people and Trans flags in the background.

Trans women as a group carry a high burden of HIV. Learn about specific vulnerabilities and prevention steps trans women can prioritize to stay HIV free.

Submitted on Apr 1, 2024
Illustration of nine multi-ethnic women.

Learn some introductory information about the US's complicated immigration system – and its built-in biases.

Submitted on Jan 18, 2024
Hovering red question mark casting a shadow.

What is HIV? Get basic information on HIV, its symptoms, how it is spread, how HIV differs from AIDS, and how getting tested for HIV can help.

Submitted on Sep 13, 2023
Several beads with letters on them, with beads in center spelling out "Words have power".

The language we use to talk about HIV affects the well-being of people with HIV. Learn about the power of words, and less stigmatizing language for discussing HIV.

Submitted on Feb 5, 2024
Illustration of many women of different races standing in rows.

Race matters when it comes to HIV – and not just for women of color. Learn about differences in HIV rates by race and why these differences exist.

Submitted on Aug 14, 2023

Understand how HIV specifically affects women: data on the epidemic, living with HIV and HIV treatment, gynecological conditions, and more.

Submitted on Jun 26, 2023
Trans symbol hovering above multicolored background.

Learn about trans women living with HIV and the many unique issues they face, including some good news about determined resilience.

Submitted on Nov 6, 2023


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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