
Title: Mirror

When you look in the mirror what do you see? You see YOU!! Your beautiful and unique in your very own way. We try to live our lives to please others, but when you look into that mirror all you see is YOU!! You matter! We all come in many shapes, sizes, color, gender, beliefs and that's the beauty of it all is that none of are alike. If we all was alike then life would be so boring, right? Don't try to fit in when you was made to stand out. Step out your comfort zone and show the world the amazing person that you truly are!! We don't give ourselves enough credit, or we fall short to what society already planted within our minds if negative energy. If society say we are nobody, not strong, won't prosper then we tend to believe it within ourselves, however nobody knows you better then you!! Never allow anyone to define who you are because looking into that mirror all you see is YOU!! You make TODAY count, You make life worth living!!! Walk with your head up! Life has ways to throw us curve balls but catch those balls with determination that you won't quit and you can't quit...walk that situation out with a high step!
We can't allow the world to dictate us and have us ashame to come fourth. Pull out that powerful self esteem that's within you and do something today that will inspire others to live for tomorrow.

mirror mirror on the wall, who is the greatest of them all? YES the beautiful you!

Monique Howell-Moree





Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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