Life changed

Hello my name is Relly i was diagnosed with hiv in june and im proud that i didn't let myself get to a low i have a five year old little girl that looks up to me. I can admit i have my bad days but i thank god for the love and support of my family... Besides hiv i also suffer from Bipolar disorder and that is a whole other issue i always wonder if i did something to deserve this screwed up life im a very nice person and honestly i feel as if God has it out for me i don't do drugs im a sweetheart i love to keep others happy so why me. One of my main concerns was me not being able to see my daughter grow i thought i was gonba die but thank goodness that's not the case. My doctor told me everything will be ok as long as i take my meds and ive been doibg that...just a few thoughts feel free to comment have a blessed one.





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