activism, advocacy


Seven years ago today I met the man that would become both the best and worst memories, and love, I have known to date.

Submitted on Feb 7, 2019

I have made a few mistakes in my life. Who am I kidding? I have made MANY mistakes in my life. And I ain’t even been alive that long.

Submitted on Feb 5, 2019

“I still have a dream,” said Martin Luther King, “it is deeply rooted in the American Dream.”

Submitted on Feb 5, 2019

I have been positive for two years now and public for one. See, I exposed my status on Facebook live and I went viral, literally.

Submitted on Feb 5, 2019

By now I’m sure we’ve all seen the news about the Supreme Court ruling allowing the transgender military ban to take effect, a policy imposed on America by the trump administration via tweet in July 2017.

Submitted on Jan 30, 2019

Disclosing my HIV status is usually one of the first things I do when I meet people. I mean, it's not like, "Hey, my name is Ci Ci and I have HIV!" Nah. It's more like, if I begin to see that person...

Submitted on Jan 23, 2019

I had a situation that happened a few years ago that I don't think I've quite healed from.

Submitted on Jan 13, 2019

It is funny how one day you wake up and feel like everything has changed. You, the world around you, the people you know; everything. Looking out of the window to the door you once stepped out of...

Submitted on Dec 21, 2018

This year has been a year of so many challenges and trials. First it was resuming back to work in Abuja and was given a letter of termination of appointment from the organization we work for. Later in the month of March I lost an Aunty--in short from March to November I lost three of my aunties and an in-law.

Submitted on Dec 10, 2018

I have a confession, I am a medication hoarder. I first started taking medication in the early 1990s after finally finding a doctor who was willing to see me. At the time I had great health insurance, but doctor after doctor refused to see me. Much has changed since then.

Submitted on Dec 6, 2018


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