activism, advocacy


This garden, created by award-winning designer Matthew Childs, serves as a powerful symbol of the progress made in the fight against HIV since the 1980s.

Submitted on Jun 5, 2024

After I got my diagnosis, I automatically started to apply what I knew, to ask questions, to better understand. You might not believe it, but we're still so far behind in terms of information.

Submitted on May 30, 2024

Automáticamente después de saber mi diagnosis empecé a usar mi conocimiento, a hacer preguntas, a informarme porque, aunque no lo creas, todavía estamos muy atrasados en cuestión de información.

Submitted on May 30, 2024

When searching for support groups, I found friends of all ethnicities. However, I didn't find many from my Asian community... I encourage others to talk openly about living with HIV.

Submitted on May 2, 2024

Apenas cumplí 51 el 11 de abril, y sigo aquí, con todos los subibajas, pero luchando como la guerrera que soy.

Submitted on Apr 18, 2024

I just turned 51 on April 11, and I'm still here, with all the ups and downs, but fighting like the warrior that I am.

Submitted on Apr 18, 2024

Being a Black woman and wearing the badge of honor of being strong is exhausting to say the least.

Submitted on Apr 16, 2024

What was the most impactful were the stories told by each of us living with HIV. It would not have been nearly as successful without our voices.

Submitted on Apr 1, 2024

As we commemorate National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2024, I can't help but reflect on my journey over the past decade, filled with challenges, resilience, and ultimately, triumph

Submitted on Mar 10, 2024

So, if you remember my last blog, I shared my pregnancy news and my plans to breastfeed my baby. Well, I breastfed, it didn't last long though, but let's get into this short story.

Submitted on Mar 6, 2024


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